
About Canvas Solutions.

Canvas Solutions provides E-claims Solutions for healthcare providers and insurance service providers through its Canvas Health subdivision. EClaimEasy is our professional solution for healthcare organizations to manage their e-claims operation in a simple and efficient way. EClaimEasy streamlines healthcare providers revenue cycle management by automating bussiness and validation rules and EClaims standards of the regulating health authorities of Dubai and Abu-Dhabi.
Besides guaraneeting compliance with respective regulators rules ECLaimEasy helps meeting different RCM stakeholders expectations inclluding back office stakeholders which comprises management and RCM department on one side and onsite front office stakeholder which comprises in-house doctors, nursing staff, onsite insurance staff and patients on the other side .

Management Expectation:- Low initial rejection ratio, low technical rejection ratio and low final rejection ratio.
Inhouse doctors expectation:- Fats turn arround time with maximization of approved prior-authorzation requests with understaning for reasons of rejections that could be avoided in future.
Nursing staff Expecation:- Hassle-free communicaiton of authorization requied service to insurance department with easy tracking facility.
Onsite Insurance staff Expectation:- Elimination of all types of human errors specifically uncovered services and patient share calculation.
Patient Expectations:- Fast and hassle-free transactions with low rate of authorzaiton requests rejections.

Different healthcare providers have different RCM requirements based on their protfolio size and availablity of other solutions onsite. Our products fullfil all these diffrent RCM needs spanning