Post Office Courier

Your portal to Regulator Post Office

Communication tool with Regulator Post Office Web Services.

Tool to communicate with xml web services offered by regulator post office.
The tool makes download and upload of all eclaims transactions xml files, from and to the post office, an easy task. The tool offers flexible serach critria which permits filtering of eclaims data
upto user needs.
Selected search result eclais batches are downloaded and stored either in Excel files or Database.


Upload Transactions | CanvasHealth

Upload Transactions

Drag and drop e-claim xml files and upload to the post office with click of a button. Upload files need to be in xml file format as per regulator schema

Powerful Search | CanvasHealth

Flexible Search

Flexible eclaims batches serach critria which permits filtering of eclaims data upto user needs.

Download Transactions | CanvasHealth

Download EClaims Batches

From search result select EClais batches that you want to download. Choose to store eclaims batches either in Excel files or Database.

Application Updates | CanvasHealth

Application Updates

Get automatic update of PO Courier every time new features are added.

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